This one is for those who are sitting back and observing.

Marcia Van de Kieft

This one is for those who are sitting back and observing….

Maybe you’re someone whose doctor recently told them that they needed to start adding movement into their daily routine. Or, maybe you’re someone whose friend or loved one is encouraging you to take up a new hobby or find new friends. Or, maybe you’ve just had enough of your own BS and are looking for something that will challenge you. 

You started researching and you found ARC. You joined the Facebook group where you see the run schedule posted and photos of the group. But, you just haven’t gotten the courage up to make it out to a run yet. Why is that? Is it because you think you can’t? Is it because you think you aren’t a “runner”? Well, hey… I have something to tell you, I used to be you! 

I told myself a thousand times “I can’t”. I’m a natural born dancer NOT a runner. I told myself that there was absolutely no way I could keep up with the rest of the group. So, there wasn’t any reason for me to try. How would I manage the kids while trying to run? So many thoughts that kept me from just lacing up and trying. 

You just haven’t gotten the courage up to make it out to a run yet. Is it because you think you aren’t a “runner”? Well, hey… I have something to tell you, I used to be you! 

The good news is that I am married to someone who’s been a runner most of his life. He is actually the one who discovered ARC. In fact, it was because I started pushing him to find an outlet outside of work. I thought he needed something where he could get exercise, enjoy something he loved and meet new people. 

Thomas attended the first few ARC meetups by himself. I could almost immediately see the glow reappearing on his face. Maybe it was the sweat and the runners high. I don’t know, but what I can tell you is that he had found a place that made him feel alive again. 

As he was rediscovering himself, I was going through my own personal transformation. 

I had a very chilling realization that if I didn’t start taking care of myself that I would also be laying in a bed dying by 63.

In September 2020, I lost my Dad to Huntington’s Disease. He was 63yo and absolutely healthy. His brain was just taken over by the disease and it killed him. While my Dad was in Hospice, I had a very chilling realization that if I didn’t start taking care of myself that I would also be laying in a bed dying by 63. 

It almost crippled me to think of what that would do to the two beautiful children we tried so hard to have after years of fertility issues. I looked at myself as being selfish. I told myself, “If I decide to continue on this path, I will take our children’s mother away from them”. I was sitting at 268-lbs, on a 5’1” frame, at 42 years old. I knew that whatever decision I made, it had to be one that would literally change my life and prevent me from spiraling once my Dad passed away. 

In November 2020, I had bariatric surgery. It’s given me the tool I needed to change the course of my life. But, I still had to commit to the work. It was shortly after I was cleared to begin working out that Thomas suggested that the kiddos and I join him at the run club on a Sunday morning. I’ll be honest, I thought he was crazy! I had him join this club so he would have something for himself, first of all. I also had no idea how I would manage two kids while he was running and I was doing whatever I could to get myself to move. 

The anxiety of me lacing up and trying began and ended almost immediately upon entering Three Odd Guys on my first day out with the club. Everyone at ARC was so inviting and so helpful in encouraging me but also in making our kiddos happy too. 

Sundays with ARC quickly became our Sunday Funday for our little family. The kids ask all week if we’ll be going to run club. They love seeing everyone.

Sundays with ARC quickly became our Sunday Funday for our little family. The kids ask all week if we’ll be going to run club. They love seeing everyone (In fact, the littlest clobbered Jay with a hug at the last 5K when he saw him!), but they’ve also begun to learn the importance of taking care of themselves - mind, body and soul. 

 It’s been over a year since my surgery. I’ve lost 110-lbs by being inspired and motivated by our ARC family AND I’ve RAN more 5K’s in that time than I have my entire life. YES, RANNNN! I’M A RUNNER NOW! WHAT?! I still can’t believe it myself.

I’ve lost a ton of weight, but I’ve gained an entire ARC family by just being brave enough to try. I’m telling you, YOU can do it too! You just have to stop telling yourself you can’t, stop comparing your journey to someone else’s (because comparing is the thief of joy) and just get out there and do it. We are only given one life. Do it with no regrets!

You’ve gotta take that first step, but your ARC family will be right beside you pumping you up and making sure you don’t give up on you. 

So, enough observing. When are we gonna see you at run club?! 


My Life’s Trail…


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